Baby Registry Recommendations for Joe

In this guide:

Hi Joe,

I’m excited to share some recommendations for your baby registry! Thanks for being patient.

Before we get started, I wanted to give you a quick lay of the land. All the parts are organized by category of need (for example, what you’ll need for the nursery, feeding, or bathing). That way, you can envision yourself in these activities and all the items you’ll use (or not). You can always navigate to each part at the top of every page.

I didn’t want to overwhelm you with everything at once, so I kept it to the major essential items first. I’ll be sending you the smaller items like diapers, creams, and dish detergent shortly.

Last thing, I know that your preferences may become more specific or change as you learn about these products. I’m always happy to update my recommendations. I truly am your BFF in this process, so don’t be shy about texting me. I don’t charge ;) There’s a lot here, so let’s get started.



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