Hi Alex,
I’m excited to help you with your baby registry! Before we get started, I wanted to give you a quick overview of how this works.
- Taking your preferences, I've hand-picked your recommendations.
- I don’t want to overwhelm you with all the items at once, so I’ll be sending your recommendations in parts over the next few days. Hopefully that gives you some time to let each choice sink in.
- All the parts are organized by category of need (for example, what you’ll need for the nursery, feeding, or bathing). That way, you can envision yourself in these activities and all the items you’ll need (or not).
- You can always navigate to each part at the top of every page.
I know that your preferences may become more specific or change as you learn about these products. I’m always happy to update my recommendations. I truly am your BFF in this process, so don’t be shy about texting me. I don’t charge ;)
Last thing, I'm sure you might be wondering how I do make money if I don't charge you for this service. For every recommendation that you purchase through Amazon, I make a small affiliate fee. However, that does not influence my recommendations whatsoever. I don't recommend a product just because it's on Amazon (as you'll see there are recommendations from other retailers for you), and I don’t take money from companies to recommend their products to you. I truly recommend the products that best meet your needs, whether I can benefit or not.
There’s a lot here, so let’s get started.