Baby Carrier Positions - Baby Carrier Buying Guide

Last updated: January 2021

In this guide:

Babywearing has many benefits for both parents and babies. Because of that, there are many types of carriers to choose from. Betty's guide outlines everything you need to know to make a decision that's right for you. And the best part? It's short and to the point.

Before we get started on the different types of carriers, it's helpful to know which positions you can carry your baby in. Not all carriers allow for you to carry your little one in every position, so it's important to think about which position you want so that you can find the carrier that is best suited for you.

There are four common ways to position your baby in a carrier.


Front Carry Inward Facing Baby Carrying Position | Baby Carrier Buying Guide

Front carry, inward facing

Your baby is worn on your front and is facing inward towards you. This is typically the first position that newborns can be worn in because of their limited neck strength.


Front Carry Outward Facing Baby Carrying Position | Baby Carrier Buying Guide

Front carry, outward facing

Your baby is worn on your front and is facing outward, seeing the things you see. Once your little one can hold their head up on their own, they can switch to this position and let their curiosity take over.


Back Carry Baby Carrying Position | Baby Carrier Buying Guide

Back carry

Your baby is worn on your back and facing the same direction that you are. Back carry is only for kids who can sit up and have good neck strength.


Hip Carry Baby Carrying Position | Baby Carrier Buying Guide

Hip carry

Your baby rests on your hip with one leg on each side of your hip. This position can be more comfortable for some parents and is typically best for older babies who can hold their head up on their own.

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